Q. Are Splat ball guns safe to use? What is the recommended age group for this type of gel gun toy?
A. Yes, when used as directed and in some cases under adult supervision Splat ball toy guns are a great source of fun. We recommend an age limit of at least 13 years of age or otherwise supervised by an adult. Please remember like any flying projectile such as a nerf gun or splatter gun eye protection is always recommended to avoid any injury.
Q. How to you activate the orbeez Airmout Ammo beads?
A. Using a splat gun refill bucket or glass cup fill the desired method will the gel beads and fill with a few cups of water in a glass or a gallon if you use an ammo bucket. The solid gel beads should be completely covered with water. Let the orbeez gel beads sit for 3-4 hours. The splat gun ammo should reach approx. 7-8mm which is ideal for the Airmout gun line.
Q. My Splat gun is making noise but will not shoot out any ammo? What could be the problem and how can I trouble shoot my splat ball gun?
A. Your Splat gun bead blaster won’t shoot properly for several reasons. One is that the ammunition was not given enough time to hydrate in water, which is crucial. Allow ammunition AKA water gel beads to hydrate for at least three to four hours. The magazine gear being jammed prevents new orbeez from entering the guns fill chamber, which is another cause of the blaster not firing ammo downrange. To inspect for ammunition fragments surrounding the equipment, investigate the magazine and chamber. Grip the magazine at the bottom and toss it downward to remove any debris from the blockage. If this was clogged, pieces of splatter gun ammunition ought to come out. When playing or engaging in gun maintenance, please always wear eye protection.
Q. Does it hurt to get hit with a splat ball gun?
A. No, in fact it you might have so much adrenaline built up from having fun you will not even feel it. If you do feel anything, it may be a slight tingle. The splatter gun gel beads get pushed out at approx. 170 feet per second, this could sting so long sleeve clothes and pants are typically recommended. If this is a concern, we recommend target shooting only. Trick is don’t get hit, just get even and always wear protective eye gear when in battle.
Q. How far do Airmout bead blaster guns shoot?
A. On average the guns will propel the orbeez water beads approx 100ft before them contact something and explode into a nontoxic debris.
Q. Is Splat gun ammo safe for the environment? Will the ammo stain my clothes?
A. No, in fact the ammo was designed with mother nature in mind. Airmout ammo is a 100% nontoxic and water-based bead that will not hurt people, clothing or dogs. Once the gel ammo is dispersed it will start to evaporate and leave no stain or clor residue behind. Cleanup is minimal to none, these biodegradable beads will leaver no signs of battle behind.
Q. What is the best way to store my Airmout splat gun ammo?
A. Orbeez splat gun ammo will last the longest when stored at room temp in the airtight bottle it comes in. When activating your gel gun ammo please refer to the water bead activation section.
Q. Can I use other ammo other then what is recommended and for sale on this site?
A. No, in fact if you use other non-branded ammo or different size orbeez this may ruin your Splat ball gun. We only recommend the approved AimOut ammo and accessories for purchase with all the guns we sell online.
Q. How do I charge my Airmout batteries? A. Batteries can be charged with a standard 110v wall plug. We do not recommend you charge any batteries for your guns more then 5 hours. Also, it is good practice to remove the battery from your Splat ball gun when not in use to avoid excessive drainage of the battery when can lower its shelf life.
A. Can I take my Airmout splat ball gun on an airplane?
A. Yes, in fact many people travel with their toys. The battery is small enough to carry it in your luggage as a carry on or check in.
Q. Are Airmout splat guns illegal?
A. No, these are legal items assembled in the USA. However, pointing them and any unwanted target or property is prohibited by law. Please use common sense and manners when blasting your water bead guns.
Q. Do you ship to all 50 states?
A. Yes, some shipments may require a signature due to the value. If you are looking for wholesale opportunities, please contact us.
Q. Can I freeze my orbeez ammo after they have been put in water to expand?
A. No, this is not recommended it may clog your gun and it would def hurt to get hit with.
Q. How will I be charged on my credit card statement?
A. All orders will be billed ad Airmout LLC 1-844-247-6688
Q. Where will my order be shipped from and what shipping method will be used?
A. All order placed online are accompanied with a digital receipt sent via email. All items are shipped from CA via FedEx or USPS depending on the shipping method selected at checkout.